
Lisa Kaiser

Psychologist Behavior Technician

8500 Washington St Ne Ste A1
Albuquerque , New Mexico 87113-1861

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Lisa Kaiser

Psychologist Behavior Technician

8500 Washington St Ne Ste A1
Albuquerque , New Mexico 87113-1861

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Lisa Kaiser

Psychologist Behavior Technician

8500 Washington St Ne Ste A1
Albuquerque , New Mexico 87113-1861

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Language(s) Spoken
Ethnic Identity
White / Caucasian


  • Psychologist
  • Behavior Technician

Languages spoken

  • English


8500 Washington St Ne Ste A1 Albuquerque , New Mexico 87113-1861

First Address

  • Lisa Kaiser
  • 8500 Washington St Ne Ste A1
  • Albuquerque, NM
  • Zip : 87113-1861
  • Phone :

Second Address

  • Lisa Kaiser
  • 8500 Washington St Ne Ste A1
  • Albuquerque, NM
  • Zip : 87113-1861
  • Phone : (505) 828-3837


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Where did Lisa Kaiser attend graduate school?

Provider has not completed her profile. If you are Lisa Kaiser, click here to claim your profile

Where did Lisa Kaiser do her residency?

Provider has not completed her profile. If you are Lisa Kaiser, click here to claim your profile

Where did Lisa Kaiser do her fellowship?

Provider has not completed her profile. If you are Lisa Kaiser, click here to claim your profile

Is Lisa Kaiser board certified?

Provider has not completed her profile. If you are Lisa Kaiser, click here to claim your profile

What type of doctor is Lisa Kaiser

Behavior Technician

In what state does Lisa Kaiser practice in?

New Mexico

Where is Lisa Kaiser ’s practice located?

8500 Washington St Ne Ste A1 , Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87113-1861

What is Lisa Kaiser ’s gender?


Is Lisa Kaiser a sole practitioner?


Is Lisa Kaiser accepting new patients?

Provider has not completed her profile. If you are Lisa Kaiser, click here to claim your profile

What languages does Lisa Kaiser speak?

Provider has not completed her profile. If you are Lisa Kaiser, click here to claim your profile

Does Lisa Kaiser accept insurance?

Yes, Lisa Kaiser accepts insurance

Does Lisa Kaiser offers telemedicine?

Lisa Kaiser has not indicated if she offers telemedicine

What is Lisa Kaiser ’s professional license number?

Provider has not completed her profile. If you are Lisa Kaiser, click here to claim your profile

What is Lisa Kaiser ’s NPI number?


Does Lisa Kaiser have any license restrictions?

Provider has not completed her profile. If you are Lisa Kaiser, click here to claim your profile

Scope of Practice

Primary Taxonomy Code Taxonomy Specialty License Number License State
N 102L00000X Psychologist
N 103T00000X Psychologist
Y 106S00000X Behavior Technician

National Provider Identifier

NPI 1013421437
Provider Name Lisa Kaiser
First Address Albuquerque, NM 87113-1861
Second Address Albuquerque, NM 87113-1861
Gender F
NPI Entity type Individual
Is Sole Proprietor No
Is Organization Subpart N/A
Enumeration Date 21/11/2017
Last Update Date 21/11/2017

NPI Footnotes

What is the National Provider Identifier (NPI)

The NPI is 10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPPES to uniquely identify a health care provider.

Provider Location Address

The location address of the provider being identified. For providers with more than one physical location, this is the primary location. This address cannot include a Post Office box.

Provider Mailing Address

The mailing address of the provider being identified. This address may contain the same information as the provider location address.

Entity Type Code

The code describing the type of health care provider that is being assigned an NPI. The entity type codes are:
1= Person: individual human being who furnishes health care;
2= Non-person: entity other than an individual human being that furnishes health care (Examples: hospital, SNF, hospital subunit, pharmacy, or HMO)

What is a Subpart?

Subparts are the components and separate physical locations of organization health care providers. Subpart examples include: Hospital components include outpatient departments, surgical centers, psychiatric units, and laboratories. These components are often separately licensed or certified by States and may exist at physical locations other than that of the hospital of which they are a component.

Provider Other Organization Name

The other organization name is the alternative last name by which the provider is or has been known (if an individual) or other name by which the organization provider is or has been known. The code identifying the type of other name. The provider other organization name codes are:
1 = former name;
2 = professional name;
3 = doinq business as (d/b/ a) name;
4 = former legal business name;
5 = other.

Provider Enumeration Date

The date the provider was assigned a unique identifier (assigned an NPI)

Last Update Date

The date that a NPI record was last updated or changed

Primary Taxonomy Code

The primary taxonomy code defines the provider type, classification, and specialization. There could be only one primary taxonomy code per NPI record. For individual NPls the license data is associated to the taxonomy code.

Authorized Official Name

The name of the person authorized to submit the PI application or to officially change data for a health care provider.

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